Dogs in SeasonÂ
If you own a bitch (female dog) that hasn’t been neutered, it’s important to understand when your dog is likely to have her first season, how often they happen, what to expect and symptoms to keep an eye out for that she’s in heat.

What is a Season?
Its part of the female dogs cycle and when she is most fertile.
Sometimes called being "in heat"
Your dog may act differently,
Her genitals may swell
She may produce a discharge
First Season
You girls first season indicates her sexual maturity. Females can have their first season anywhere between 6-12months old.
Females tend to have a season every 6-7months. Once your girl has first started they may be slightly more irregular but should settle down after a few seasons.
Be mindful that other female dogs can alter the season much the same as human women.

When do seasons End?
Unlike humans, dogs do not go through the menopause.
It is therefore frowned upon to breed a dog over 8 years old as they are more likely to suffer complications. However seasons in older dogs may become more infrequent.
Season Lengths
Seasons can vary between 2-4 weeks but are usually 3 weeks long.
Signs of a season
All dogs vary and therefore some may have more subtle symptoms however:
Their Vulva may become swollen and red
They may produce a discharge
They may be cleaning their genitals more often
They may urinate more frequently
Common behaviours in season
Nesting (Collecting toys)
Searching for a mate
Being over friendly with others especially male dogs
Moving her tail to the side if touched by a male dog
Mounting other dogs or furniture
Being off her food
She may become more anxious, clingy, fidgety or domineering

How long does a dog bleed in heat?
Most dogs bleed for between 7-10days during their season.
Normal things in season
She may pee/scent more
She may hump things
She may be uncomfortable and fidgetty.
How to care for her in season?
Keep her distracted with games/toys
Keep up with exercise and walks
(away from male dogs & always on lead)
Give her some enrichment - Kong toy or lickimat
Keeping your house clean.....
You could put down towels
Confine her to an area
Use "Doggy period pants"

At the end of your dogs season she may begin to show signs of a false pregnancy.
This could include finding toys and nesting and producing milk.
False preganancy is caused by a change in hormones. Many dogs experience these symptoms and recover naturally.
There is a possibility that they may develop PYOMETRA which is a build up of pus in the uterus and this can be life threatening.
Signs of Pyometra
Being off food
Drinking more
Licking genitals
Smelly discharge
If you notice any changes or are ever concerned always consult your vet.