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Games to play
We love our pets and they love us so why not spend some time playing with them.
Not only will it count as enrichment but it will strengthen your bond.


More options....
Up & Down -
Stand outside with your dog on a lead & drop a treat on the floor everytime they look up at you.
Hide & Seek -
Go & hide and then call your dog and wait for them to find you
Play Chase -
Run away from your dog and let them chase you this will also help with recall (never chase your dog)
Shell Game -
Get 3 of the same item (plastic cups/bowls) put a treat under one - mix them up and get your dog to find it
Hot & Cold -
Use a whistle to teach your dog hot and cold (when they are close to an item you want them to retrieve)
Teach a new trick -
Maybe something like: Sit -
- High 5 - Bow - Leave it

Ball Games/Fetch
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