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Oral Hygiene for dogs

Here are some effective ways to maintain your dog's oral hygiene:

1. ** Your Dog's Teeth**: Daily brushing is the most effective method for keeping your dog's teeth clean. Starting this habit when they're young makes it easier. For dogs not accustomed to brushing, use positive training techniques to help them adjust. Find a toothbrush here:

2. **Use Dental Chews**: Dental chews can assist in cleaning your dog's teeth and gums. Look for chews that contain beneficial ingredients like sodium tripolyphosphate and vitamins. Find Appropriate Chews here:

3.Try Water Additives**: Water additives can freshen your dog's breath and slow down the growth of bacteria and plaque. Some contain green tea, which is known to combat plaque and tart.

4. **Consider Prescription Dental Food**: Consult your vet for recommendations on prescription food designed to reduce plaque and tartar buildup, thereby preventing dental disease.

5. **Utilize Toothpaste**: Using toothpaste specifically formulated for dogs can clean their teeth, fight tartar, and fresh their breath. Find Roast Dinner flavoured toothpaste here:

By incorporating these practices into your dog's routine, you can promote better oral health and overall well-being.

Getting your dogs teeth cleaned professionally 

For the professional dental cleaning of your canine, you need to visit a good dog dentist once a year. Despite cleaning your canine's teeth regularly at home, bacteria can get trapped under the gums, which can further cause serious dental problems. 

Some Dog Groomers have retrained and are able to clean your dogs teeth. Alternatively you can visit the vets.

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